Last Friday January the 24ta., the Luis Vernaza, Enrique C. Sotomayor, Roberto Gilbert Hospitals and the Neuro-Science Institute received their environmental permits after much travail which entailed compliance verification, verification, obtaining different certificates, the approval of reference terms, environmental impact studies and a plan to better manage the environment.
The Latin American Development Bank's support (CAF) was crucial, by way of a $132.550,00 now-refundable technical cooperation agreement, in order to extend assistance to the project. That contribution allowed a tender to select and contract consulting services which executed studies and put together an environmental handling plan for the Guayaquil Junta de Beneficencia Hospitals (JBG).
The JBG requested Environmental licenses after qualifying as dangerous waste producers before the Ministry of Environment and subsequent approval of an environmental impact study and a plan for environmental handling.
This process also requires delivery of an insurance policy for each Hospital in order to comply with the environmental handling plan. Various companies have been contracted to monitor noise, particular materials and fixed combustion sources besides conducting residual water analysis.
"If someone from the Ministry and the Municipality were to come over for inspection, we would pass all inspections in all four hospitals. We are the first four hospitals in Ecuador to have an environmental license", said Eng. Freddy Matamoros Environment Commission Coordinator for the Guayaquil Junta de Beneficencia and an expert on matters pertaining to the environment.
Environmental licenses delivery ocurred in the presence of CAF Public Health and Environment Ministries' representatives as well as general managers, technical directors, Public Hospitals and Private Clinics´ Administrators within the city, and media executives as well as those from the Guayaquil Junta de Beneficencia.
During the event the Junta de Beneficencia and the Latin American Development Bank, CAF, presented the hospital waste recollection manual as a contribution towards maintaining a healthy environment and decreasing hospital risks.