Board delivered mobility implements to people with disabilities in the Province of Chimborazo


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19 adults residing in the province of Guayas and in the Province of Chimborazo who are in a situation of vulnerability due to their different mobility problems, received mobility aids. Seven wheelchairs, five walkers, a mechanically powered car, and two canes, were donated to Mark Backlin Foundation which serves people with disabilities in the rural parish of Sibambe. Four wheelchairs were also donated to individuals from the Guayas Province.

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Betty Rea, President of the Foundation thanked JBG for this donation that will allow them to reach people with disabilities not only in the parish, but also in communities such as San Miguel de Loma, Pachamama, Shablut, Bayanac, among others. "We have found in JBG a strategic ally to continue helping people with disabilities and low-income in our province“ she said. In addition to the donation, Rea received a training from the donation warehouse staff on how to fill out the forms correctly and how take body measurement for people who request wheelchairs or other mobility equipment, so to assure that they receive wheelchairs according to their needs.

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Héctor Ullauri, representing JBG, said that these donations are only possible thanks to the alliance with international organizations such as Free Wheelchair Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mobility Worldwide, who trust JBG. Despite the emergency generated by the COVID- 19 pandemic, JBG donated in 2020 a total of 1010 technical aids of different types, those of which improve the quality of life of the same number of Ecuadorians.

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Download this file (IMG_4597.JPG)FOTO1Beneficiarios de la Provincia del Guayas7001 Kb
Download this file (IMG_4633.JPG)FOTO2Capacitación cobre las correctas medidas5842 Kb
Download this file (IMG_4642.JPG)FOTO3Donación a Fundación Mark Backlin7456 Kb
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Lcda. Beatriz Ocejo Jefe (e) de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 393 |

Luis Tomalá , Lcdo. Coordinador de Comunicación Institucional de Comunicación Institucional PBX: (04) 232-4060 Ext. 379 |