Esquel Foundation delivers oxygen therapy kits and medical supplies to care for patients with COVID


In order to reduce high oxygen demand for patients affected by Covid-19; the Esquel Foundation, with the support of the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), delivered 10 oxygen therapy kits, 10 pulse oximeters, 10 oxygen concentrators, 400 medical oxygen refills and medical supplies to the Luis Vernaza Hospital of Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil.

José De la Torre, representative of the Esquel Foundation, said this donation is part of the Oxygen to Save Lives Program, and it is for the triage station, area of 54 m2, an area with two rooms for the care for respiratory symptomatic patients and to patients affected by Covid- 19.

“Luis Vernaza Hospital is a hospital that has made and continues to make great efforts to fight the pandemic and to serve people with the lowest economic resources so that they can access first-line care. This situation motivated us to give a hand and to contribute to this great work carried out by this institution” said De la Torre.

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Download this file (web-IMG_20210415_110039.jpg)web-IMG_20210415_110039.jpgDe izquierda a derecha: Ing. José Morán, Jefe de Biomedicina del HLV; Wilmer Romero, Promotor Guayas Fundación Esquel; Ángel Vaca, Jefe del servicio de hospitalización del HLV; José De la Torre, Gerente del programa Oxígeno para Salvar Vidas, Fundación E849 Kb
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