Therapy assisted by dogs is beneficial to Hospital patients


Dog therapyThe Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil Innovation and Satisfaction Inspectorship, has incorporated “happy dogs”, a therapeutical program, were dogs pay programed visits to patients who need it, always in the company of their founder and guide Daniela Carrera, a specialist in canine behavior.
The program began May 2nd with child outpatients from the Neurosciences Institute and will remain as a pilot program in the same place every Monday and Friday from 08h00 to 9h30. “Happy dogs” will also be implemented at the Dr. Roberto Gilbert E. Children´s Hospital.

“To develop empathy, improve the capacity for communication, make people uninhibited, break the routine , improve socialization, extend physical contact, reduce blood pressure and stress, are just some of the benefits derived from dog therapy” Danilo Carrera pointed out.