I´m being helped so that my son can finally get well


MarthaMartha is Vicente´s mother, who was born at 8 months of age at the Enrique Sotomayor Gynaeco-Obstetric Hospital and is handicapped (Down Syndrome) with esophageal atresia, a congenital disorder characterized by a lack of continuity, obstruction or a normal esofagus development.

From that moment Vicente was transferred to the Dr. Roberto Gilbert´s Children´s Hospital where he has been interned in the intensive care unit for over 6 months.

"During all the time my son was hospitalized, the Ministry of Health covered expenses, however the child needs constant treatment and they could not cover the entire illness, for that, I am very grateful to the Roberto Gilbert Children´s Hospital since they are helping me heal my little boy at last", expressed Martha, his mother.