“Thanks for helping me recover my health and keep from feeling alone"


armandoArmando is an elderly adult of 72, single and without children who lived on the streets and whose only companions were loneliness, some dogs and a parakeet.

Armando earned his daily sustenance by watching cars day and night. From childhood he suffered from hypothyrodisy and, as the years went by, other complieations appead such as varicose ulcers and an overweight situation which further aggravated his physical condition preventing a normal working condition by rising to care for his faithful companions.

One day Armando decided to attend the hospital Luis Vernaza where he was looked after by specialists who stabilized his condition and recommended treatment and medicine to alleviate his pain and discomfort. All expenses were taken care of by la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil.

Later on, due to his age, he was received by the Corazón de Jesus Home where he enjoyed lodging, food and specialized care all in pleasant surroundings which filled Armando with joy and affection.

As part of those ocupational therapies received by the elderly at the Home; Armando joined the theatre which helped abandon his sedentary life and pursue an active life in the theatre cast as “old ....only roads” together with elderly companions.

At present, Armando has gained recognition in the theater by showing humor and ability. People call out to him on the street since he is one of the actors who garnered a “ golden button” in the Ecuador has Talent Program in 2015, today Armando is in good health, in a warm home where, besides a safe environment, he can enjoy the company of other elderly residents.