
23 persons received mobility implements

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Elvia Troya arrived early from the Mocache Canton in the Los Rios Province to Guayaquil, however this time she did not do so to attend an appointment with Norelys Ortiz´s traumatologist attending her small nine-year old daughter who suffered from a lack of oxygen at birth. On this occasion they arrived to receive the wheelchair she needed to attend her therapies.

Norelys was part of the 23 beneficiaries who received mobility implements from a Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil delivery performed this morning in coordinartion with the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints, Free Wheelchair Mission and Mobility Worlwide.

“My daugther can´t walk, however she is in school and is undergoing treatment here in Guayaquil while I carry her around. That is why when I found out La Junta could help me out with a wheelchair I requested the form, filled it out and delivered it”, commented Elvia.

The donation is part of a mobility implements, free-of-charge donation program maintained by La Juntra de Beneficencia de Guayaquil for persons of scarce economic means in need of a mobility implement to improve their quality of life.

Beneficiaries were adults, elderly adults and children from the Mocache, Tarifa, Balzar, Naranjal, Durán, Milagro, Daule and Guayaquil Cantons who suffer from limited mobility due to illnesses such as diabetes, alzheimer, blindness, cerebral – vascular accident, hemiplejia, amputations, cerebral paralysis, paraplegic condition, arthritis, among others.


Preventive healthcare is promoted at the central office

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With a positive response from collaborators the “Healthy Feeding” campaign was brought about on Wednesday the 13th at the Central Office. This activity which drew 106 collaborators was led by the medical department encharged to Dr. Mario Santana, a labor physician whose objective is to promote a health prevention culture while still healthy and therefore avoid illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and others which, if not detected on time can be harmful to your health.

During the 2 hour working day and with the steadfast support of Bachelor Leydi Sudario and the Tecnologico Bolivariano nursing students a basic medical control was broughrt about which consists of blood pressure control, weight, height, mass corporal index and a fast glucose test. Thsose in assistance were given results so as to conduct control.

“Another objective is to help people identify their weight level, stimulate habit formations which improve their quality of live, reduce overweight levels and obesity among the Central office employees”, Dr. Santana pointed out, making it clear that he will continue to motivate collaborators to exercise care in their feeding habits and that new results will be verified at the next occupational medical appointment.


People from Manabi received 104 wheelchairs

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Eight-year old Kerly Loor was one of the beneficiaries who arrived with her mother Maria Sanchez to the “Jesus, the Good Shepard”, Metropolitan Cathedral to receive the wheelchair appropriate for the height and needs of the minor who has been suffering from encephalitis for 4 years. Another beneficiary was Ramon Zambrano who has lost his eyesight and right leg to diabetes and who, due to impoverishment, has been unable to acquire a wheelchair.

They were part of the 104 beneficiaries from different sectors of the Manabí capital who yesterday on the 13th of February received a wheelchair, free of charge, from la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil in conjunction with the Northamerican Free Wheelchair Mission Organization.

This implement will be of great service since his family members will have a vehicle to ease transportation “Now I will be able to take him to the health center without so much difficulty. He weighs alot and it was hard to get him into a car I had to rent when he had an appointment” commented Julia Valdez, Ramon´s wife while the beneficiaries thanked la Junta de Beneficencia for their donation and requested they keep helping people in need in the rest of the country.

The donation is part of the permanent donations program of mobility implements maintained by la Junta de Beneficencia in conjunction with international organizations which has allowed improvement in the quality of life of thousands of persons throughout the country. In 2018, 1569 persons with special needs were benefitted.


Marillac Students received recognition from la Junta de Beneficencia Director.

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Natasha Valarezo and Stefania Gallegos, both students from the Santa Luisa de Marillac Educational Unit, received recognition from Eng. Ernesto Noboa, la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil Director, due to their achievements which led them to participate in several mathematics contests to be held this year in Europe.

Valarezo passed several elimination tests during the National Mathematics Olympics (OMEC) 2018 in this city which garnered her a gold medal for her participation in the first level category which made her an integral member of the Ecuadorian delegation which will represent us in the European Mathematical contest (EMT) to be held from the 1st to the 7th of March of this year in the city of Minsk in Bielorussia.

On the other hand, due to her outstanding performance in the OMEC selective trials, Stephanie Gallegos is part of the main team which will represent Ecuador in the Girls´ Mathematics Olympiad 2019 to be held from the 7th to the 13th of April in Kiev, Ukraine.

The Junta Director exalted the students´ performance and the pride it represents for the institution and the pride it represents for the Institution and the educational Unit whereby he urged them to keep striving to reach their objectives. “I congratulate you, success is crowned by effort as you are doing by studying. Studying is very important, as the country will move forward with people who study, knowledgeable youth since if they don’t study and are unaware the future is uncertain”, he pointed out.

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